Covington loves to garden. We wanted to highlight a few other gardening projects and businesses in the city! Do you know of anything that should be added? Message us!
Community Gardens
- Goebel Community Garden - New for 2019 - This community garden at the northwest corner of Goebel Park near the pollinator garden is organized by Redden Gardens and the Residents of MainStrasse Association. Direct questions to
- Riddle Yates Community Garden - Under the purview of the Center for Great Neighborhoods, this is the city's oldest community garden.
- Randolph Park Urban Orchard - Not too far from Redden Gardens near the Shelter on the south side of Randolph Park is an urban orchard (Fruits, berries, and nuts) and berry garden which in a few years should reach maturity.
- Gardens/Projects - No Longer Existing/To Be Developed
- Dalton Street Community Garden was located at 7th and Dalton St in Mainstrasse. The city sold the public park to a local business for their private use.
- MainStrasse Village Community Garden - Part of development of John R Green Property
- Morning Glory Gardens - Bought by property owner and staged for eventual development into townhomes
- Randolph Park Community Garden - Removed when Park was redeveloped, the urban orchard is a spiritual successor
- Latonia Elementary Herbmania and Urban Garden - A beautiful garden education program that takes place at Latonia Elementary. They hosted Plant sales, Market Days and Chopped Events and sold their fresh produce at some local restaurants. Thanks Bob Runyan for all your energy you put into this project
- Orchard Park Urban Farm Project - The Westside Chicken and Urban farm built for and of the community. Townhomes will take up this space. Thanks Janet Tobler for all the love you poured into this space!
Gardening Projects in Covington
- Environmental Studies Club - Keep Covington Beautiful organizes the Environmental Studies Club for a few public schools in the city, to teach students what it means to garden, live green, and take care of their environment.
- Covington CSA Farm - A Farm right in the Urban core (12th and Russell). Buy a share in the beginning of the CSA season and enjoy ultra local fresh produce sustainably grown in the city.
- Covington's Farmers Market- A year round Farmers Market that takes place on a closed 3rd St between Scott Blvd and Greenup Street every Saturday from 9am to 1pm. Refer to the Facebook page for inside locations during the colder months.
- Mayors Monarch Pledge - A city website is in the works. There are currently a few Monarch Waystations/gardens in the city, including one in Goebel Park near 5th street, at 6th and Scott by the corner of Gateway and in Devou Park. More information to come...
- Completed projects:
- Grow the Cov - This project advocated for gardening in the urban core. They provided soil to community gardens through a grant from DevouGood as well as helped to create the Orchard Park project.
- Covington Victory Garden - 2020-2021 - A combined effort between Redden Gardens, The Center for Great Neighborhoods of Covington and the Civic Garden center, the Covington Victory Gardens initative pairs neighborhood mentors with novice gardeners and at home gardens. Fifteen families/homes were selected for victory gardens and giving the supplies and materials to build and plant a 4x8 raised bed or a container garden based on what they like to eat. Our gardeners were paired with mentors to guide them along the way and answer their questions. At this time, the gardeners have started to make their first harvests!
Covington Garden Businesses
- Garden Grove Organics - Located a couple blocks north of the Garden, they provide great expertise in hydroponics, grow lights and other gardening techniques advantageous for urban gardening
- Fedders Feed and Seed - Located conveniently on Russel St south of 12, this is a great source for feed and gardening needs. Also, in the Spring, they have a good selection of plants outside for your planting needs, as well as bulk potatoes, onion sets, and seeds indoors.
- Jackson Florist - A good nursery with a very wide selection
- Baker Hunt Art and Cultural Center - Offers some gardening programming as part of their class offering
- Empower Tools - A free (with library card) tool lending program located on Pike Street
Regional Resources
- Civic Garden Center - Offers a wide variety of classes, including a free Commmunity Garden Development Training the beginning of each year
- Kenton Co UK Extension Agency - Free soil testing for Kenton Co projects and seasonal class offerings, call or visit, do not e-mail.
- NKY Beekeepers Association - Offers free bee keeping class every year. Membership and meeting attendance allows use of communal equipment like an electric honey extractor.